Box of Mirrors | Poem

Box of Mirrors illustrated poem
illustrated poem

This digital art piece is a representation of the intersection of technology and spirituality. The central figure, theartist, is depicted standing in front of a mirror as she takes a selfie. However, the image is elevated by the inclusion of a second mirror- her broken iphone screen- creates an infinite reflection and serves as a metaphor for the infinite nature of the goddess.

The accompanying poem, speaks of goddesses and ancestors, and further adds to the spiritual and ethereal nature of the piece. The conversation between the Great Mother Goddess and her “child” highlights the idea of connection and continuity, emphasizing the idea that we are all linked to something greater than ourselves.

The use of the mirror, both in the physical image and in the metaphor, creates a sense of introspection and self-reflection. This artwork is a deeply meaningful exploration of the human experience and the role of technology in our spiritual lives. –⬛️

Box of Mirrors

Let me tell you a story.
It is half fiction fiction
Half truth and 100%
All Love…

During a deep meditation
That took me further than
I expected to get
I heard a soothing voice in my head,
the same one that is often muffled
by my annoying self talking ego.

And she said:
Listen, listen, listen
And I asked Madrecita?

Is that voice you or me?
Am I self talking
Or is it really you?

Beloved Madrecita Mother Goddess
I called her that
without thought
it just blurted out
not out my mouth
but from my inner voice.

Because this you see
was all happening
and it no longer felt in my head.

I was elsewhere,
in the Matrix of Space

Space creates space…
She tells me
So I ask again
Is this you or is the voice me?

And she says
Use the 6th chakra
the 3rd eye

See, see, look, see
So I looked, saw and was
transported into a box of mirrors.
Each time I looked
all was saw was me,
and my reflections, reflecting, reflecting
herself, myself, themselves

The One Self
Infinity times


As I focused on the center
looking further to the furthest
reflection I could;
I was sucked
in or out
and began traveling
through a vortex
A wormhole,
Journeying throughout
Time and space
going so far back that
I reached the

Time Before Time.

I passed by my Mother, Grandmother,
Great Grandmother, Great, Great, Grandmother
And all of my tatara tatara tatara abuelas…

She took me so far back
that Time folded
and we began to go

And she said:
Do you get it now nena?
OK Listen here!

I am that ancient
Ancestral Bush San Goddess
Coming Out of Africa
With the blueprint of humanity.

I am that Royal
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds ♫
Whose bones were found
For posterity within the
Ethiopian Earth.

I am that Grandmother Goddess
In the jungles of the Amazon
Weaving ancient Icaros
Ay ya ya Mamma ♫

I am that ferocious Goddess
Who Runs with the Wolves
And howls at the Moon. (Howling)

I am that Sea Goddess
Surfing waves, created by the Moon
Yemaya, Yemaya Oh oh ♫

I am that golden sensual river Goddess
Chilling by a waterfall.
Ide were were Nita Oshun

I am that Master Teacher,
Soul Healing, Goddess Doctor
that Knows Why the Caged Bird Sings
And wants to set it free.

I am that Revolutionary
Nation Lover, Poet Goddess
That said:
“Yo Soy La Vida
La Fuerza, La Mujer”

“I am the life
The strength, the woman.”

Julia De Burgos
Julia De Burgos

I am that witch, una Bruja
plant healer Goddess
burned at the stake
for daring to practice her craft
and saved by the rain.

I am that Muslim woman child Goddess
Fighting to educate herself,
Gets shot in the face
Only to triumph and educate the world.

I am that Kemetic Egyptian Goddess
Whose name has been
Stolen to promote
and perpetuate War

I am that Dear Mamma,
Mamma Said Knock You Out
single mother
living in the hood
studying while her children sleep.
Mamma said Knock you out  ♫

I am that Green Creator
Mother Goddess of liberation
Aum Tara, Tu Tare ♫

Madrecita | Green Goddess Tara
Madrecita | Green Goddess Tara

Love is Love

So remember who you are
And who you came from.
Remember that I am the
Aum Namah Shivaya

See it in yourself
See it in others
Aum, Aum, Aum

And like I child I asked once again
Is the voice me or you?
Just breathe,

If you want the answers
Just Breathe…

©Tania Guerrera 2016

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